Zhana Mitkova's profile

The Balancing Act of The Working Woman

“The balancing act of the working woman” - a couple of illustrations I made for @goliama_rabota - an organisation that tells stories and makes art for fair working conditions. The aim of the project was to connect artists and representatives of socially important work sectors, focusing on labor issues within feminized labor sectors, which are often underpaid and stigmatised as secondary. 

My work is focused on the "free care" which becomes a duty and daily routine for every mother nowadays and how motherhood has a regressively detrimental effect on women's career progression.

"We are no longer living in an era where women are expected to be the sole homemaker. More and more, men are stepping into the role of sharing responsibilities. However, women still exist in a place of unbalance within the home and the workplace as they have always done more of the housework and the invisible labor when it comes to worrying about and planning for their children’s health and education.

The woman performs the role of mother, caretaker, housewife, chef, educator, health officer and mogul at the same time.
Isn’t it time for governments to step in and help working parents?"
 📷 Фото-Корпус / Photo-Corps
📷 @nov_chovek
The illustrations are available at thegreats.co and available under creative commons licence. FREE to download, print and share!
Hope you like it! Follow me on Instagram for more.
The Balancing Act of The Working Woman


The Balancing Act of The Working Woman
